Hello, Again Old Friend

Why hello, blog. Long time, no see. 

I hope to be having more regular updates. I figure I spend enough time on the internet, why not blog about it as well :P 

I've just emerged from night-shift darkness so things are feeling a bit brighter now. I've also had some massive shopping hauls which I will share with you once I can figure out how to post pictures on this thing #bloggingnewb 

I love that its coming up to winter now. I am not a Summer Girl (Black Books reference there). I hate baring legs and fake tans and all that. Worse of it, I hate sweating and having my makeup run down my face. I want to rug up with tights and woollen cardigans and drink red wine curled up on the sofa. Who am I kidding, I do that regardless of the time of year, but it feels somewhat more appropriate in the winter months. 

Which explains why I've been splurging more on winter clothes. Now I am keeping an eye out on the Perfect Red Coat. I found something I quite like from Sheike, but for the $219.95 price tag, I want something that is Too Die For. 

Hey hey, check it out. I've figured out how to post pictures on my blog. Next thing you know, I'll be posting MULTIPLE pictures. Pro blogger right here, people! (sorry Blogger Gods, I promise I will get my act together and be a better blogger, honest). 


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