Review: The Long Road Cafe

I love coffee. I don't think a day goes by where I don't have a daily caffeine dose. Basically, I am 100% caffeine addicted. So I was quite excited when I realised there was a new cafe that had recently opened, quite close to where I live. Huzzah, soy lattes whenever I want (in between waking hours though..) 

So the Low Road Cafe has a eclectic, Hawaiian-tiki vibe to it, from it's bright pink palm trees to bamboo furniture (I asked my boyfriend if we could have a pink palm tree in our place, he unfortunately vetoed the idea. He's no fun).  

The food, to put it simply, is amazing. The menu may be small, but whats on it of high quality. They also have some delicious looking sweets and sandwiches in the cabinet, which I am looking forward to trying at a later date. 

So I am an idiot, and had something to eat before we went there and yes, I did regret it. But I had the toast, and boy, it was some delicious toast. Crunchy, sourdough bread, toasted to perfection, smothered in butter with your own choice of condiments on the side (gosh I promise my food reviews will get better from here. Who reviews a cafe based on it's toast? But I promise you, this was really, really good toast).  

I wish I was more hungry because my boyfriend ordered the beans on toast. And yes, being a good (read: greedy) girlfriend, I tried some of his. It was freaking delicious! 

Piles of spicy beans, fresh avocado topped with sour cream, all piled on sourdough. Y.U.M.

Spicy bean goodness

And of course, the coffee was excellent. 

The staff were very friendly, cheerful and stylish (yes, call me superficial, but I can appreciate well-dressed wait staff when I see them!) 

This place gets 5/5 flamingo pink palm trees from me. 

Winter 2013: Outfit Inspiration - Khaki Jacket

So it's coming up to one of my favourite times of year. I love winter - strange, coming from a Queenslander. I'm not very good as far as typical Queenslander's go - I have pale skin, I have never fake tanned in my life, I don't like to sun bathe, and would prefer to go to a park rather than the beach (too many opportunities to get sunburnt, get sand up my arse or stung by a jellyfish - all those things have happened to me). 

Anyway, back to winter - best thing about it (other than of course making delicious stews) is the clothes. I love rugging up for winter - I love throwing on coats, scarves, tights, gloves, hats. 

For this winter, I am loving khaki jackets at the moment. I love this one from Country Road: 

Simple but cool and casual. I want those printed pants as well. But alas, it's quite expensive (as Country Road normally is, unfortunately) 

Looks great styled with jeans and plaid shirt for a laid back but together look. 

M Loves M

Also look awesome thrown over a skirt and striped tee combo.
Karen Cheng

So of course, I had to get one of my own. Mine came from Quirky Circus and it has a polka dot lining!! Could not resist. 

Hide & Seek Anorak

Couldn't find the exact image, but this is the jacket, just imagine it in khaki...and it has multiple pockets. I am such a sucker for pockets. 

Hello, Again Old Friend

Why hello, blog. Long time, no see. 

I hope to be having more regular updates. I figure I spend enough time on the internet, why not blog about it as well :P 

I've just emerged from night-shift darkness so things are feeling a bit brighter now. I've also had some massive shopping hauls which I will share with you once I can figure out how to post pictures on this thing #bloggingnewb 

I love that its coming up to winter now. I am not a Summer Girl (Black Books reference there). I hate baring legs and fake tans and all that. Worse of it, I hate sweating and having my makeup run down my face. I want to rug up with tights and woollen cardigans and drink red wine curled up on the sofa. Who am I kidding, I do that regardless of the time of year, but it feels somewhat more appropriate in the winter months. 

Which explains why I've been splurging more on winter clothes. Now I am keeping an eye out on the Perfect Red Coat. I found something I quite like from Sheike, but for the $219.95 price tag, I want something that is Too Die For. 

Hey hey, check it out. I've figured out how to post pictures on my blog. Next thing you know, I'll be posting MULTIPLE pictures. Pro blogger right here, people! (sorry Blogger Gods, I promise I will get my act together and be a better blogger, honest). 

Post Night Shift Blues

Home after night shift, enjoying a glass wine. So what if it's 8am in the morning. Technically it's after work, right? That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it :P

God, I hate night shift. I do enjoy my job, but night shift just sucks balls. It just ruins me, physically and emotionally. No one should have to be awake at 3am in the morning. Why can't patients just look after themselves between the hours of 11pm and 5am? I jest, of course. I just really hate working nights.

Random gif of Ryan Gosling aka The Gos eating a slice of pizza like no man can. Why the hell not.

Very First Post

Hello, world! I'm jumping on the blogging bandwagon because I have feel I have much important things to add to the blogging community, such as my love of wine, clothes and Ryan Gosling. All Very Important Things.

Anyways, I'm strangely excited about this little blog of mine. I'm a long time reader of all kinds of blogs, so this is my first venture into having a blog of my very own. I intend to blog about other things besides Wine & Frocks (with the occasional Ryan Gosling Appreciation Post), such as my attempts to get fit, work, life, etc.

Hope to see you around!